To Charley and Lou

Created by Helen 2 months ago
Sadly this is the only photo I have of Charley and it's not very good !
I was trying to capture the endearing way that Clio positioned herself between mum and dad; refusing to sit on the ground, refusing to be ignored.
The photo brings memories of a lovely evening in Ali and Marks garden - nothing riotous or excessive just gentle conversation and a few belly laughs, (made all the more special that Ali was cooking and Mark sat down - unusual!) plus a warm and comforting feeling of being in the company of fabulous friends.
So farewell Charley; I'm sorry you had to leave Lou so soon.
Your were a gentleman and a gentle man, a kind and considerate person who dovetailed into Lou's busy life of work, family, horses, dogs and cats.
You will be missed.
Rest in peace Charley.
